I will start with yesterday. We got to be part of such a special baptism! So that first Saturday I was in this area we met Fluke. He was baptized our second Sunday here. Then we had zone training where we were given new balanced key indicators. (Key indicators tally the number of lessons, referrals, etc.) We were told we had to get at least 2 part member family lessons each week. So we decided to ask Fluke if he thought his parents would be interested. Well we started teaching his adorable dad who is just an old version of Fluke. He was just so open and willing to accept the gospel.
Us: "Will you be at church on Sunday?"
Him: "I will not go shopping, I will not work, I will go to church."
He is just so cute. Anyways, last week Fluke got the priesthood and yesterday he not only used it to pass the sacrament, but he baptized his dad! I love this new focus of the mission of completing families. It is so special to get the members sharing the gospel and focusing on the temple. The other sisters told us that this baptism has inspired one of their RCs. He walked away from the baptism saying, "I want to baptize my dad." So special!
This week we have also made headway with one of our investigators. He was a monk before and this is his first time learning anything about Christ. He is so great though. He just understands everything so well. Earlier in the week, we taught him the 10 commandments. Every time we have seen him he has been wearing his Buddhist necklace. Well the next lesson. it was off! He is so great. He also came and made us food! He loves cooking and is really good at it. Yum!
This week we watched Elder Chamberline almost conquer the challenge. The challenge is when you eat a large pizza from Pizza Company, an earthquake (8 scoops of ice cream) from Swenson's, and slam a large pack of tim tams within an hour. Well he got so close and then decided he might throw up. Ha ha the good news for me was I got his extra tim tams. :)
And that pretty much wraps up the week. Ha ha
Today during studies I cam across this scripture. 1John 4:14
"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world."
This is what I am here in Thailand doing everyday. Testifying that God our Heavenly Father sent His son Jesus Christ to be our Saviour. To take upon Himself our sins. Through Him we can overcome any trial. And only through Him are we able to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. Without the Saviour this life would have no meaning, no purpose, and absolutely no point. We need His atonement if we want to get anywhere, to progress. Through Him we are able to change and improve. Don't let yourself get in the mindset of not being able to overcome your short comings, because through Him you can.
I love you all!
-Sister Nethercott
PS. Before Brecklyn signed off, she sent us a quick note that they heard about transfers. She and Sister Alley are staying in P-lok. Sister Burbank and Sister Morgan are transferring.
Fluke preparing to baptize his father
Aren't they just adorable?!
This is the wat we went to last p-day. So pretty!
Starting on top of the world with the ice cream. Then the pizza. Then the tim tams... And that's where it all goes down hill. Ha ha
Cooking with our investigator. Delicious!
I have to say I'm a little jealous! This looks so good!!!!
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