The pictures at the end may not be for the faint of heart. If you don't like to see bloody knees, then don't scroll to the end! :)
Well it was a pretty great week here in Khon Kaen! I prayed that I would love this area because I was so sad to leave Bang Khen. And well, prayers are answered!
So this week there was a lot of pressure going on. This month is what they call Bovember because of last year and the miracles they saw in November. Thats when the baptisms really started picking up here in Thailand. This week our zone was really pushing for a balanced zone. (balanced is when you make the goals and numbers set for the mission). So that was a little scary not wanting to be the one companionship keeping our zone from balanced. So we worked really hard (Although we do every week. I don't know why because they suddenly want balanced they think we are going to magically work harder. We try for balanced every week. Ha ha). We contacted so much though really praying that we would get a new investigator. That was our biggest stress to reaching balanced. We got so many numbers this week that all seemed so solid. Finally Sunday came and we only had one investigator sitting in sacrament meeting. It was so disappointing after all the people that said they would be coming! Then miraculously this man shows up with his two young kids (the oldest is 9). He didn't even answer his phone when we called him and yet he is the only one that came! But it was a miracle for sure! I guess it was funny because in the middle of sacrament I noticed someone in the hall. So I went out and there were a few people I didn't know and said the meeting has started but you can come in. I think more people appeared as I said that and turned to walk in because this is what I heard after, "What did Sister Cott go out there and do? She came in with all these people!" I was too worried about finding seats for everyone but I guess the speaker's reaction was pretty funny. So yeah it was a great miracle watching the Elder's contact and us Sister's contact show up with family members. It really increased the number of people attending sacrament meeting. But the good news is our whole zone reached balanced and we had a 97% balanced mission!
This week we had a switch off. Sister Packard who was my STL (Sister Training Leader) my first transfer in Bang Khen is now my STL again. So we got to have another switch off together. We tried to branch out a little and find more places to contact. Well the other sisters had the bikes so we were walking. Ended up walking down this long deserted road for a stretch. Not too productive. But when we finally got back to a main road Heavenly Father blessed us for our efforts and helped us get a few easy quick numbers. We were also able to contact a former investigator. Turns out Sister Packard contacted him in Udon and gave the number to the Sisters here. So when she called he was like, "Sister Packard I know you! This is meant to be! I will come back and learn!" So Sister Grover and I taught him later that night and committed him to a date! That was pretty cool! I don't know what his problem was before but he seems pretty solid now.
So a funny story, I fell riding my bike this week. Ha ha everyone says it happens at least once. Hopefully that was the only one time I will experience. I was trying to safely turn into traffic and was inching my way and turning my head to make sure I could go. Well I hit a divet in the road and fell over. Of course it was right next to these tug tug drivers who panicked as I went down. I just laughed and biked on. (We were heading to dinner. I wasn't gonna delay that.) Turns out it wasn't just a bruise but a nice bloody scrape too. Ha ha
Thats about anything worth writing about this week. So here is the scripture I want to share that I read during studies this week. I have been reading the New Testament to see how the Savior did his missionary work because if He is perfect, well I should learn from the best. So I finally finished the gospels this week. Here is possibly my favorite scripture from the gospels that I read just this week. John 14:18 "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you". Those are Christs words. I know that He is always there for us. We just have to chose to turn to him and He will come to us.
I hope you all had a great week and wish you the best in your endeavors!
-Sister Nethercott
The Elder's investigator took us to this honey toast place last p-dy. Way good!!!
The orange moon by the lake. Riding back from an FHE.
Making rice stalk whistles. Fun and so annoying. Ha ha
We traded the Elder's helmets without telling them... That was fun. :) The security guard at central looked at us like we were crazy.
A farrang eating a farrang. (farrang is what they call foreigners and it is also guava)
Sister Her would always talk about the cactus she had that she lost moving to Bang Khen that transfer I came in. It made me really want one. This guy was selling them and so I just had to buy it. Look how cool it is! Oh and you can see the dried up rice whistle sitting there too.
baan and beyond. I don't know why but I think it is so funny they translate it that way. house and beyond.
Pictures of my wipe out. Or more the results from it. And yes I did put oils on it.
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